3 Health Conditions That Can Be Helped By Hormone Replacement Therapy
When most people think of hormone replacement therapy, they imagine a woman going through menopause. While it does help with menopause, hormone replacement therapy isn't just for menopause—nor is it just for women. Here are three health conditions that can be helped by hormone replacement therapy.
1. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
PCOS is a condition that affects a woman's reproductive health. Hallmarks of the condition are absence of periods, cysts forming on the ovaries, and hormone imbalance. The hormone balance can cause things like unwanted facial hair because of the increase in androgen, which is a male hormone.
One way to treat PCOS is with bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. With this type of hormone replacement therapy, the hormones aren't synthetic, which means they come from a natural, botanical source. By using this type of hormone replacement therapy, it can help get a woman's hormones regulated and help alleviate many of the symptoms that come with PCOS.
2. Osteoporosis.
Another health condition that can be helped by hormone replacement therapy is osteoporosis. Estrogen is a hormone that helps preserve the bones. When a woman goes through menopause, or any other condition that sees a decrease in estrogen production, it is important to replace it to help prevent bone loss. Estrogen replacement therapy is effective in osteoporosis prevention because it replaces the absent hormone before it can cause the bone loss associated with the condition.
3. Low libido.
Having a low sex drive caused by hormone issues affects both men and women. Hormone replacement therapy can be used to treat this condition if tests confirm that you have a low hormone level: estrogen for women and testosterone for men.
There are various ways you can receive the hormone replacement therapy for low libido. Many women use the estrogen ring, which is a vaginal treatment that is left in place for three months. They can also use a patch or gel. Men can get testosterone replacement therapy in the form of a patch, gel, injection, or implant.
It is important to be aware of any potential health risks associated with hormone replacement therapy. It is not a decision that a patient should make lightly, but they should discuss all of the treatment options available to them with their doctor. Hormone replacement therapy can be very beneficial, if used correctly, but you should make sure to educate yourself on every aspect of it before going ahead with treatment. For more information, talk to a professional like Genemedics Health Institute.