Tips For Getting Your Loved One Stroke Treatment Quickly
If you have a loved one that is getting older, you might worry about him or her suffering a stroke. This is a very serious worry because he or she is going to depend on you to make sure that he or she gets treated very quickly. With a stroke, every second counts because the brain is deprived of oxygen and will start to be damaged if that situation goes on for too long. Here are some tips for getting your loved one care for a stroke as quickly as possible.
1. Know the Signs
The first step is to make sure that you know the signs of a stroke so that you can identify it as quickly as possible. Common signs of a stroke include numbness in the face or the body, usually on the same side, slurring or confused speech, dizziness, and a severe headache. If you see any of these signs, you need to make sure that you call an ambulance as soon as possible.
2. Let the Hospital Know
When you call 911, make sure that you are very clear that you are calling about stroke symptoms. The reason for this is that your hospital might be too small to have a dedicated neurologist that will be able to provide a formal diagnosis and treatment plan for your loved one, or there might be one that is on-call after hours. You will therefore need to make sure that your hospital is all set up and ready to go with a teleneurology link that will connect your loved one with remove neurologists that will be able to diagnose him or her.
3. Make Your Loved One Comfortable
While you are waiting for the ambulance, have your loved one sit or lay down.
4. Take Notes
Be sure that you are able to get the teleneurologists all of the information that they need as quickly as possible. Make a full list of all of the medications that your loved one is taking, as well as how long he or she has been taking them and the dosages. Also write down your loved one's medical history. Finally, provide a list of all symptoms that you have noticed.
For more information, talk to your hospital about their teleneurology or telestroke network. This will allow you to determine if you need to get additional stroke care for your loved one and help you prepare in case your loved one have a stroke.