Three Common Reasons You May Require Pediatric Urgent Care
When you're a parent, you know there is nothing as stressful as a sick child. Unfortunately, childhood is full of aches, pains, and various illnesses. Most of them are fairly mild and pass in the proper amount of time. However, there are times when you will require urgent care for your child. This list goes over some of the most common reasons that children need pediatric urgent care and how to recognize the symptoms of each.
Conjunctivitis is a contagious inflammation of the eye and eyelids. It is more commonly known as "pink eye" because the eye will appear bright pink when it is infected. The causes for pink eye are viral conjunctivitis, bacterial conjunctivitis, and allergic conjunctivitis. Symptoms of this illness are:
Itchy, watery eyes
Sticky discharge from eyes, which may cause eyelids to stick together after sleeping
Runny nose
Treatment for pink eye will vary depending on which type it is. Viral conjunctivitis will run its course. Bacterial conjunctivitis requires antibiotics—usually eye drops and amoxicillin. Allergic conjunctivitis can usually be treated with allergy medication.
Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix, which is located on the right side of the stomach. It usually shows up in people who are 10 to 30 years old, but it can happen to anyone at any age. Symptoms of appendicitis include:
Sudden and severe pain on the lower right side of the stomach
Loss of appetite
The pain is one of the sure signs of appendicitis. It can be worse when the person moves, coughs, or makes other sudden movements. The treatment for it is almost always surgery along with a course of antibiotics.
Pneumonia is an infection located in one or both lungs. A lot of small children will get pneumonia and have difficulty breathing, which requires urgent care. Some of the common symptoms are:
Body aches
Chest pain
Decreased appetite
Labored breathing
The symptoms may vary depending on what type of pneumonia your child has. Some doctors will prescribe steroids and amoxicillin to treat it, while other doctors recommend rest and liquids. Oxygen and IVs for fluids may be necessary for babies or kids who have low oxygen levels and show signs of dehydration. Sometimes hospitalization is required until the symptoms get better. It may take several weeks for pneumonia to completely leave the body, but symptoms will become more mild and are typically reduced to a lingering cough.
For more information, talk to centers like Emergency Care Dynamics.