These CRPS Symptoms Warrant a Visit With a Neurologist

Most people are aware of the common neurological conditions multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease. However, there is another neurological condition that is not as widely known and is therefore often not diagnosed until it's quite progressed and severe. Known as CRPS, or complex regional pain syndrome, this condition can severely impact your quality of life if it is not properly detected and managed. So, what possible CRPS symptoms should cause you to call a neurologist? Take a look.

1. Spontaneous burning or pins-and-needles pain.

This is often the first symptom that appears, but because it comes and goes, many patients just dismiss it. You may have an odd burning sensation in some of your skin, or it might feel as though someone is pricking the area with a bunch of needles. This can occur over a smaller area of your skin, such as only over your big toe, or it can occur over an entire half of your body. However, it does always tend to occur on the same side of the body. Definitely see a neurologist if you have any mysterious burning or tingling pains that come and go.

2. Changes in skin temperature.

Often patients notice changes in skin temperature on the side of the body that is affected by CRPS. For example, the skin on the affected arm may feel cold to the touch or hot to the touch, while the skin on the other side may feel normal. Neurologists have found this is due to changes in the nerves that regulate blood flow in the affected arms and legs of CRPS patients.

3. Shiny, thin skin.

The skin may appear thinner on the arm and leg affected by CRPS, and it can be shiny, especially when you are hot or cold. This is a symptom that tends to develop over time. If you are beginning to notice it, then you've probably had CRPS for a while already, and you should definitely see a neurologist ASAP. 

4. Loss of muscle strength.

This is another symptom that develops over time. The muscles in the affected arm and leg grow weaker. You may find yourself less able to grip things, put weight on your leg, or walk with an even gait. Contact a neurologist as soon as you suspect weakness rather than waiting to see if it gets worse.

CRPS is a complicated condition, but it can be managed with medications and therapy, especially if it's caught early on. Contact services like North Texas Neuroscience Center PA for more information. 
